Have you figured out the right online marketing mix for your business? Do you know exactly where your online activity should be focused? Or, have you been utterly confused by the vast amount of expert opinion telling you what you should and shouldn’t be doing? Don’t feel bad if you answered yes to that last question.
Where to Start?
You know you should be “engaging” with your prospective customer base. You’re getting advice at every corner to “start a conversation”. You’re being bombarded with statistics proving the importance of blogging, social media, and search engine optimisation (SEO). In my own business, I’m constantly juggling priorities trying to give equal attention to all these areas. I bet you are too. As I write this, I’m already two days behind my own blogging schedule.
Online Marketing Opportunity Report
One thing I know for certain: different industries behave differently when it comes to online marketing. Twitter is full of marketing people. Travel companies spend a fortune on Pay-per-click. Retailers love Facebook. LinkedIn is popular with the professionals and is a haven for recruiters. Each industry seems to have its own personality, making it difficult to have firm rules on how to implement a digital marketing strategy. If you’re not working in the marketing field, it can be overwhelming to know what to do.
I came across a fantastic ebook from HubSpot titled Online Marketing Opportunity Report: Social Media, Blog and Search Engine Activity by Industry. It’s the first free segmented industry report I’ve seen giving detailed information and measurements of online activity.
So What’s the Big Deal?
The beauty of this information is that once you understand how your industry best operates in an online environment, it’s easier to formulate a marketing strategy for your particular business. While a healthy mix of original content, social media and SEO is the backbone of a good content marketing campaign, how you allocate your time and money to each of these areas can make a big difference in the overall success of the project.
The Takeaway
Once you understand the general philosophies behind a digital marketing strategy, you need to understand the intricacies of your own industry. Broad category industries like Hospitality prove there can be significant differences within a grouping, (e.g,. airlines are far more dependent on SEO than hotels, while restaurants find success in blogging). Armed with the right data based on solid research, you can then prioritise your budget to obtain maximum results. Grab a copy of the HubSpot report. It might just change the way you manage your business and gain you competitive advantage in the process.
Where do you find the most success in your online marketing?
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*Image courtesy of JohnONolan at www.flickr.net
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