Last week I posted an article at the Content Marketing Institute about boosting the impact of your newsletter. Titled, 7 Ways to Get More Value From Your eNewsletter, the post gives a great example of asset based marketing at work.
Master Photographer Geoff Fisher attended a conference where I was speaking about content marketing. He had implemented components of a content marketing strategy but was quickly finding out it took time away from what he really loved doing photographing portraits and landscapes. When he hired me to help produce original content for Fisher Photography, I suggested he take an asset based marketing approach and bring a strong design element onto the project. He immediately agreed for two reasons:
- As a visual artist, Geoff understands the importance of design
- As a business owner, he was attracted to the idea of a marketing expense becoming an asset for his company
Content + Design = Asset
I enlisted the help of designer Ryan Briggs. Designers are always happy to have a steady supply of good images so it wasn't difficult to convince Ryan to take on a master photographer for a new client. I had some ideas about the content for Geoff's website and newsletter so was able to give Ryan a detailed design brief. He started firing off ideas of his own.
Newsletter Landing Page
One of my content strategies was to tell the "story behind the photo". I also wanted Geoff to share "tips from the pro" for home photographers. He always seems to know what's happening around town so I thought he should share that information, as well. Ryan knew we needed to let people know what sort of content they could expect and also what the newsletter would look like. He created a newsletter landing page on Geoff's website showing an anatomy of the newsletter.
This sneak peak encourages people to subscribe to the newsletter. Ryan also archives all issues of Geoff's newsletter on the landing page which is a big help in SEO. As a result, Geoff's newsletter is enjoying a continual stream of new subscribers, a healthy open rate and is working overtime attracting the attention of the search engines. The Fisher Photography newsletter does not have a "sell by" date making it an asset in Geoff's marketing efforts.
The Take-Away
Business has become so accustomed to spending money on marketing, they don't always consider ways to create assets out of the activity. By utilising great design techniques and quality content, your audience will respond. Creating original collateral may take a bit of extra time and budget at the creation stage. An asset based marketing strategy will ensure the efforts are rewarded with long-term results.
What have you done to increase the value of your marketing efforts?
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