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Can CSR and Marketing Coexist? I Think So!

Earlier in the week I wrote about an invitation I received to contribute to an ebook. ClickPredictions: Content Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2010 launched last night. I’m really excited to be involved in this project for a couple of reasons.

I didn’t know if I’d be included in the final book. When I submitted my prediction, I expected a rejection. My piece speaks to the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which isn’t part of the traditional marketing bag of tricks. It was a bold move, but I did it knowing I might be squandering a good opportunity to be involved in an important project. Still, CSR is something I feel passionately about. I was delighted to be accepted. It tells me that CSR is becoming a mainstream interest. Hopefully, my prediction will come true. Check out page 17 to read exactly what I have to say.

When I saw the draft copy of the book, I was humbled to be included. It’s an amazing assembly of talent, including many of the people I look to for guidance and inspiration including Mike Stelzner, Joe Pulizzi, Michele Linn and Stephanie Tilton to name just a few. I can’t wait to dig into it. Have a look to see how many faces you recognize.

I’m going to keep this short today. I’d rather you spend your time reading ClickPredictions. You can also download a version of ClickPredictions. Best of all, it’s free.

What bold move have you made?