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BRIEF – 1Thing To Review Before 2010

Have you noticed there are only 3 kinds of blog posts this week?

  • Top 10 lists for 2009
  • Top 10 Predictions for 2010 lists
  • 3 Things to Do Before the New Year

Since this is a BRIEF post, I’m not making a list. Instead, here’s one recommendation based on something I discovered in my own business this week.

1) Review your company profiles: When I launched Global Copywriting last year, I had a clear idea where I fit in the market. With a broad IT background – 15 years in software development followed by 5 years of software sales – I knew I was a natural for writing projects requiring a technical background. I developed profiles for my website, LinkedIn and various company listings reflecting this speciality. Guess what? Most of my business this year has not been related to IT.

John Lennon famously said, “Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.” I had planned to do one thing but the market has pushed my business in another direction. Instead of being tightly focused on a niche market, I’ve had work from many different industries. I’m delighted.

Guess what else? I nearly lost a WoM client because the profile for my company on LinkedIn described Global Copywriting as a company that does technical writing. My profile was out of date and no longer represented my business.

Take Away
Take a couple of minutes this holiday season to review your profiles for accuracy, especially the ones stored on social media tools. If it’s been more than a year since you last updated them, you could be compromising your own business opportunities with outdated information. When was the last time your reviewed your own marketing collateral?